Condition: Excellent
The Whitlam Phenomenon: Fabian Papers
The Whitlam Phenomenon: Fabian Papers
The "It's Time' campaign changed the face of Federal campaigning. It is equally true that Whitlam and his-policies...changed forever the relationship between the Australian people and the Federal government. As a result of his work, people now expect the Federal government to take an active and predominant role in such things as education, health, the provision of all types of social security and urban affairs. Those who would change the nature of that relationship, as our Liberal opponents are now trying to do, do so at their own peril.'
Mick Young
These papers by some of those who were there during the years of the Whitlam phenomenon - Nugget Coombs, Liz Reid, Gareth Evans, Race Mathews, Graham Little, Mick Young, Gordon Bilney, Graham Freudenberg and Gough Whitlam himself - are essential to understanding the meaning and legacy of this watershed government.
Published: 1986
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9780140093896
Size: x x
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